Mentor Program - Information for Mentors
Are you an ECA alumni or a career-driven young professional seeking to support the next generation of professionals, during their studies?
As a mentor, you play a key role in bridging the gap between education and professional success. At ECA, we strive to ensure mentoring is as impactful and rewarding as possible, both for you and your mentees. Here’s everything you need to know about the mentoring program:
What we aim to achieve:
Our goal is to connect motivated students with mentors that have experience in fields such as: law, consulting, EU, and in other european oriented career paths.
This mentorship programme helps students to navigate career related questions:
Choosing and securing an internship
Exploring different European Oriented career opportunities.
Selecting the best academic pathways to reach their career goals
How we support you as a mentor:
We aim to make the experience for you as a mentor meaningful and flexible.
Matching Procedure: We will carefully choose and match the mentees with mentors, based on shared interests and motivation.
Flexibility: you can choose the meeting format (in person, online), and how often to meet.
Short-term Mentorship: For mentors who are open to providing quick, 1 or 2-time guidance.
This could include answering questions about applying for internships, reviewing resumes, or offering practical tips
for interviews through a single email or brief conversation.
Long-term Mentorship: For mentors who are willing to provide more in-depth and ongoing support.
This may involve advising mentees on specific legal fields, assisting with projects and applications for internships,
or engaging in multiple discussions over a longer period.
Feedback: a session is held once per semester to evaluate the program's success.
In addition, you as a mentor can share feedback anytime to improve your experience
What can you expect?
As a mentor, you will have the chance to:
share your experiences and career insights
help students achieve their academic and professional goals
expand your network by connecting with other mentors across various industries.