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Becoming an MEP-From Maastricht University to the European Parliament

On Friday, December 3rd, at 11:00, ECA Maastricht has the pleasure to invite you to a guest lecture with UM Alumni and Member of the European Parliament, Mr Jeroen Lenaers!

This event is open to anyone and free of charge. Please register below.

Registration for physical attendance: spots are full
Registration for online attendance:

MEP Lenaers completed his Bachelor’s in European Studies in 2007 and proceeded to complete his Master’s in European Studies in 2008. After his journey at Maastricht University, he had the opportunity to do an internship at Ria Oomen's office at the European Parliament. Subsequently, he was associated with her office for five years as a consultant in the field of foreign affairs, human rights, cross-border healthcare and social affairs and employment. In May 2014 he stood for the European elections and has been a Member of the European Parliament for the CDA (EPP) since 1 July 2014. His main focus is on the Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) portfolios, and Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE).

During his Guest Lecture, MEP Lenaers will share with us his experience of getting from Maastricht University to a seat in the European Parliament. He will tell us why he chose a career in politics and running for the EP, and how the University helped him acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the job, and how we can follow in his footsteps.

Join us on December 3rd at 11:00 to welcome this very special guest! Don’t forget to bring your questions!

Location: Statenzaal, Faculty of Law, Bouillonstraat 3, 6211 LH Maastricht. (No more physical spots available, only online attendance available)


Spots are limited in line with the COVID-19 regulations in place. COVID certificates (QR codes) are mandatory. Face masks must be worn at all times and social distancing will be respected.

We have also prepared a livestream. To participate online, please fill this form:

November 26

Public Speaking G4

December 6

Interview G8