After an EU-related study at Maastricht University or Hogeschool Zuyd, many graduates follow the beaten path to Brussels. After all, that's where you have to be to work on cross-border themes and European policy; that's often the way of thinking. But working on a better Europe is not only happening in the capitals and Brussels!
Many professionals in the regions of Europe, working in places outside the "go-to destinations", are also working hard on this theme. Therefore Studio Europa Maastricht (SEM), the European Careers Association Maastricht (ECA), and 89 Netherlands (89NL) are hosting an event on the 11th of May at 18:00-20:00 in Statenzaal (UM Faculty of Law) about careers in the region, where speakers from diverse organisations in a dynamic panel come together to share their journey toward establishing EU careers in the region. This event will feature, first a panel with three guests, followed by a Q&A. Secondly, there will be a networking opportunity with free drinks at Lenculenhaal (UM Faculty of Law).
The guest speakers are:
- Maureen Cossalter, currently expert in ESIF funds and cohesion policy at the European Institute of Public Administration, has gained several years of experience in the field, as a Blue Book Trainee at DG REGIO (Unit D.2 Cross-border cooperation, Interreg, Internal borders), as intern at Mission opérationnelle transfrontalière (MOT) in Paris and as Project Finance Officer at Interreg Europe in Lille (Rijsel), where she was monitoring the finances of 35 interregional cooperation projects, working with local and regional authorities from 30 European countries.
- Ajsela Mehinagic has broad experience in EU regions in the field of regional cooperation management and strategy development. She interned in Stadt Essen for four months and in the Rhur region administration for three months. Furthermore, she is now employed by ERAC (European and Regional Affairs Consultants), conducting a wide range of tasks such as ross-border cooperation strategic analysis, EU & national funding advice and strategy development.
- Third speaker TBD.
If interested, please register at the following link: