News. Opportunities. Insight.
blue&yellow aims at becoming a bridge between students and the European Union, by offering both career insight and development as well as knowledge on EU affairs. blue&yellow not only acts as an informative platform but also as a marketplace for ideas and debate. With its two pillars, career development and the EU, and its four categories, blue&yellow delivers in a compiled and transparent way to provide valuable information on a wide range of European topics.
For our Members
blue&yellow offers ECA members the opportunity to develop their journalistic, writing, research and critical thinking skills. Furthermore, it allows them to become more informed and develop their knowledge of the EU.
For the Student Community
This project offers a platform where the student community as a whole is able to exchange ideas, develop knowledge and critical thinking and become more informed about ongoing relevant topics and EU-related affairs.
For the EU
By publishing European-related articles, blue&yellow raises awareness of the functioning and contribution of the European institutions among students. By providing easy to access information, this project shows Maastricht’s students the benefits of the EU, and how it influences our daily lives.