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Young Professionals: An EU Career

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Are you thinking of an internship at an EU institution? Or would you like to apply for a job at the Commission, Council or Parliament after your studies? Do you want to find out what it takes to get there, what are the recruitment procedures, what skills and experiences will you need to showcase, and what are the typical tasks you would be handling?

ECA Maastricht has invited several people that just did it to help you! In this special event, three young professionals will talk about their experience with internships and first jobs in the EU institutions, what was required of them, and what their job was. They will introduce you to the application procedures, tips&tricks, and insights on scoring that perfect internship or job. They will tell you what university experience was the most valuable, what extracurriculars helped them, what questions were asked at interviews, and what you need to work on in order to qualify.

The guests are:

  • Monika Woźniak-Cichuta. Alumni of the University of Warsaw (summa cum laude), law and philosophy faculties. She also studied at KU Leuven and the European University Institute. She currently works on her PhD in EU competition law, conducts classes for students on EU law and is an Associate at Clifford Chance in the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department. She is also an Advocate Trainee. She conducted a BlueBook Traineeship at European Commission (DG GROW, Market Surveillance Unit), in the March-July 2021 session."

  • Alexander Tersmette. Alumni of Maastricht University (Master, European Public Affairs, 2019-2020) and of Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles (BASc, Political Science and Government). He conducted internships in the cabinets of MEPs Petros Kokkalis and Younous Omarjee in 2020. He is currently an accredited parliamentary assistant at the European Parliament.

  • Sofia Barradas Sévenants. Alumni of NOVA University of Lisbon, SOAS University of London, and SciencesPo Paris (Erasmus+). She conducted a BlueBook internship at DG EMPL of the European Commission in the March-July 2021 session and was elected Careers Coordinator of the Trainees' Committee. After her internship, she stayed at DG EMPL, working on sustainable finance and social economy as a Policy Assistant.

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